Info and enlightenment for the everyday witch

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The Goddess

The Goddess: In my belief the divine being is the force of life and the center of everything. It is the reason for existence and the power of life. It is everything and it consumes everything. It is not tangible but is completely real. Our minds cannot begin to comprehend what the divine really is so we give it a character, something to help us understand it. The divine is made up of two parts: the God and the Goddess. Two halves of a whole. Both halves are equally important but each have their own traits and correspondences.

The Goddess is the feminine half of the divine force. She is Beauty, compassion, humility, and mirth. She is the creator of the universe and her every aspect can be seen in it. The beauty of the world exists because she gave her own beauty to create it. Her love and compassion can be seen around you in every leaf, wave, and blade of grass. She is part of every being and every particle of matter. Her presence is always felt. She is Mother Nature. The goddess is the one who looks out for the world. She loves the Earth and everything in it and will do everything to take care of her child. She is a mother to the land, animals, and people and wants us to love the world just as she does. It is our home and the source of live, and she its keeper.

The moon is her symbol. Just as the moon controls the tides, so does the goddess. Not only the tides of the seas, but the tides of our emotions as well. The moon has different phases which can also be related to the goddess’ characteristics. The waning moon, the waxing moon, the full moon, and the new moon, each are symbols of the goddess’ power and each have a significant meaning. Just as the goddess, the moon is a light in the dark to give the stars radiance, and without her our world could not exist.

The goddess can be seen in three different aspects: Maiden, mother and crone. Just as every woman goes through these stages in life the goddess is always one stage at a time depending on the season usually. These aspects can be seen in the course of the moon, at each sabbat, at every magical working, and she is constantly changing. Each aspect has its own character, symbols, and meaning.

The maiden goddess represents life and the joy of living. She is pure and beautiful and care-free. She spends her time loving nature and spreading mirth throughout the world. The maiden is represented by the new moon. She is newness, purity, youth and a new beginning. The new moon is the beginning of the moons cycle, it is new, fresh, pure, and like the maiden goddess, innocent. Magical working that would require maiden goddess and new moon energy could consist of: getting a new job, moving to a new house, or just a new fresh start in life. The maiden goddess’ energy is everlasting and strong.

The mother goddess represents fertility, growth, and sexuality. She is the mother of the universe and her power is used to care for and nurture her children. The mother is represented by the full moon. The exact point where the moon shines with all of its full potential and power. It is the time when magic is most productive and a time when the world is abundant. The mother goddess is nurturing, caring, loving and full of life giving force.

The crone goddess represents the final stage in life. She is the embodiment of wisdom, experience, change, transformation, and death. The waning moon is her symbol. Just as the moon decreases from its power so does the mother goddess. She reminds us that growing old and death are not bad things. Where one life ends another begins, just as the cycle of the moon ends, another begins.

To me the  goddess represents life. We are born, we grow, we live, and we die. The experiences that we face in life are supported by the goddess. We can call on her in the darkest times and find light and clarity, or we can call on her during the happiest of times and celebrate. She is the wind that cleanses the air that we breathe and the water we drink to replenish our thirst. There is no greater force in this universe than the divine, and no greater feeling than knowing that she lives and thrives within me and is all around me. She is the strength when I’m struggling, the wisdom behind all my decisions, and the love that is deep within my heart.


New Home Blessings.

First, I must apologize for being away so long. I hope you all did not give up on me. I have simply been too busy to sit down and write. Between two full-time jobs, a new relationship, and moving into a new home; I have barely had any time to sleep. Now that my schedule is adjusted, I have adapted to my new sleeping habits, my budget is on track, and I have moved almost completely into my new home, I have a little extra time to tend to my recreational activities.

I must admit, through all these changes it has been very difficult to stay in a spiritual routine. There were nights after working 16 hour days I did not want to do anything at all besides hit the pillow. But I made sure to commit some of my time to reading, writing, or simply just mediating on a daily basis, rest assured, my spirituality is still very much intact. I feel I would not have made it through the last couple of months without the guidance, love, and protection from my Lord and Lady, and I thank them every single day.

I was researching house blessings trying to decide which kind of ritual I wanted to perform for my new home and came across some very interesting things. Every culture, religion, and race in the world has a different tradition for blessing a new home. Here are some examples I found interesting:

In China, before moving into a home the Chinese shine a flashlight into the top and the bottom corners of every wall in every room and wardrobe of the home, because they believe that the light will show the spirits where to go.

A Jewish tradition says to give salt, bread, and a broom for a new home. Salt to season your life, bread in hopes you will never be hungry, and a broom to sweep your sadness away.

In Russia, people always let a cat into the home first before they move in.

There are many more traditions, but one specifically stands out in almost any culture, that is smudging the house with incense or smoke of some kind. The most popular is with sage.  Sage is an amazing herb. I grow it and dry it and use it in just about everything magical that I do. I buy a sage smudge stick every time I come across one and my box of magical goodies is about 3/4 full of nothing but sage. Explaining why would entail an entirely separate blog post…I’ll get right on that!

Smudging a new home is very important, the smoke from your smudge stick carries away all the previous energy left in the house by whom ever resided there before you, or whom ever treaded on the property before you, etc. I can mostly “feel” the energy a place has when I walk into it because my mood will change. Over time this could become a burden, you don’t want to walk around your new home constantly pounded by someone’s left over negativity, so smudge it away. All you need to do is light some sort of incense (or smudge stick) and walk around your property. While you do visualize the smoke catching all the energy and carrying it away. You will be left with a clean fresh start.

It is important that when you get rid of anything in magic that you replace it with something else. So after I smudge my space, I leave my sage stick burning and light some candles. Think of what you want to feel when you come home. do you want to feel happy? Protected? Loved? Take these feelings and think of what represents them to you and place a few objects around the home that make you feel that way. For example; flowers make me feel happy, so I placed some fresh flowers around my house. My pentacle makes me feel protected so I placed it on the wall, and my mother’s quilt makes me feel loved so I placed that on the floor. Sit for a few minutes before doing anything else and concentrate on feeling those things you want to feel at home and this will become your homes “new” energy.

With the warmest wishes,




Litha-The Summer Solstice


The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer, or Litha; happens around June 21st When the sun enters Cancer. It is the day that the sun has reached its maximum power and is the longest day of the year. The sun has worked the entirety of Winter and spring to reach its full potential. On this day it will shine powerful and as long as it can before setting into its decline of power. It is as if the sun accepts its own decline but is still proud, as if that very moment is all that matters.

Summer is generally a time for celebration and fun. This Sabbat is no exception. It is a time to celebrate and remember and honor the sun. In the old religion bonfires were built, brooms were set ablaze and were taken about the crops so the smoke and ash would promote good growth and draw out sickness and disease. The broom handles were saved to be stuck in the earth by the gardens to ward off evil spirits.


The sun represents fire, passion, warmth, and masculinity. It is the source of all life, for without it we would simply not exist. We should remember it as the provider, the light, and the god, and we should honor it on the Solstice just as we do the moon when she is full. Take the time on this day to watch either the sunrise or the sunset. Think about what the sun means to you. What does it do for you, how does it make you feel? Take the time to give thanks for what the sun does for you and the rest of the world. Meditate on what you could do to give back or contribute to the energy of the sun.

As always, have a blessed Sabbat,


Photo courtesy of: Derek Byerly of DB Photography

Untitled Poem 6/15/11

Blessed be on this full moon!




Open your heart and let her in, she is one with the earth, the Goddess within.

He can quiet your mind and ease your pain, His light is so bright you will never be the same.

She will only come to you when you seek her truth, Otherwise she will wait until you have used all your youth.

He will work in your heart and heal all your pain, show you how it feels to be happy again.

Her magic is potent, her power is love; So when you are ready call her down from above.

Simply ask him one question and answer you he will, his light will consume you with the power to heal.

And when her power has left you listen for her voice, she will tell you secrets and what you do with them is your choice.

But sit no more and ponder the past, for the Lord and Lady have healed you and you are free at last!


Love and lunar light,


Image courtesy of Salena Rogers


A Sky Full Of Planets!

(At Paranal Observatory, The moon and Venus is at the center)

Throughout the rest of the week, if you wake up early in the morning you will be able to see 6 of the 7 planets that share our solar system. In the evening you will also be able to see the seventh planet, Saturn. This is called a conjunction: Two or more celestial bodies appear near one another in the sky as seen from one place, generally Earth. This month it is special because seeing this many planets close together is very rare.

If you get up early enough, say pre-dawn, then you will currently be able to see, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. They will sit low in the eastern sky. And if you have binoculars or a small telescope you will be able to see Uranus and Neptune. If you decide to get out and take an evening walk, Saturn will be viewable to the southeast of the moon.

Locate Venus at about 5am, she will be the brightest star in the sky, the second brightest will be Jupiter halfway between Venus and the horizon, then two smaller specks will be Mercury and Mars, Mercury will appear above Mars. If you have binoculars or a telescope then locate Uranus to the right of Venus and Neptune will be visible in the constellation Aquarius.

It will be a light show to remember.

Love and Celestial light,


Beltane May 1st

“Oh do not tell the priests of our rites

for they would call it a sin

But we’ll be out in the woods all night

a-conjurin’ summer in.”

-Rudyard Kipling

The wheel of the year can be roughly divided into two parts; winter months and summer months. Just as Samhain marks the beginning of the winter months, Beltane marks the beginning of the summer months. This is one of Wicca’s greater Sabbats, it is a joyous and open-hearted celebration of love, and for that reason, Beltane is my favorite Sabbat of the year.

Sensuality-getting in touch with your senses- is important to Beltane’s theme. Without our senses we would not be able to experience the world. If the divine is in everything, then all that you see, touch, taste, smell, and hear is a manifestation of the God and Goddess, therefore, should be sacred. We take advantage of our senses because they are things we become used to, Beltane is a day to get in touch with your senses and experience all of them to their fullest ability.

Another major part of Beltane’s focus is centered on sexual union. This union symbolizes many things; the joining of nature with the divine, to the union of male and female to ensure the fertility of the earth, and most importantly,  an individual becoming one with the divine or the all.  Sexual union carries a very deep and spiritual message: universal divine love, and the love of life itself. The unconditional love of the divine dwells within us and flows through us with the love that is expressed at Beltane. One should enjoy it, never shy away from it.

Whatever you decide to do to celebrate Beltane should be fun, carefree, sensual, and full of love. This is a time to celebrate and really get in touch with your spirit. Let go of your inhibitions and insecurities and experience life as it was meant to be lived. Love as purely and as whole-heartedly as you can, and get in touch with the divine that lies within you.

May the Divine love that flows through all of us on Beltane be so great and pure, that the world feels its joy.

Wishing you all a happy and spiritual Sabbat,


image source:

Lilith’s Truth

I am truth, the spark of life

I am the beginning of life and the end of pure love

The one who sings with serpents and bathes in the fruit of the Tree Of Life.

Feared by those who are blind.

I am she who was first, real, un-broken and made whole

The one man denies

Power of creation and humanity dwell within me

In my womb lies knowledge and in my heart lies pure love.

I live in the trees, the land, the water, the wind and deep in the heart of all women.

Man sent me away, unwanted

All my love to give and knowledge to share was feared

I am the threat.

Outside his caged garden I dwell

Only to be embraced by those who seek the truth.

Loneliness is often found, for not many call my name

Though I thirst for love, I need no rib to be whole.

Cast out, my beauty and wisdom reign in a world only few have privilege to see

Embrace me! And I shall open your soul to all that is Divine!

Image: Lilith by Michelangelo

I hope that you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.



Mercury In Retrograde

Mercury goes into retrograde on March 30th and will stay there until April 23rd. A planet enters retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards in the zodiac. The planet Mercury rules thinking and perception, communication, creativity, commerce, education, and transportation. It generally affects people who work in these areas; writers, sales people, teachers, artists, telephone operators, commentators, critics, etc.

Communication can be difficult and can lead to misunderstandings,  Travel and your day-to-day commute can be effected, you may witness a change in mood in the people you see daily, glitches and breakdowns of electronic equipment is common,  and the world-wide web is also effected during this time. All of this usually happens because one piece of important or crucial information has gone astray or awry.

Some say you should not make important decisions during this time since the thinking behind them will be clouded by poor communication and careless thinking. Because Mercury represents the power of the mind, when in retrograde these characteristics are less accurate. It might pay to be a little more attentive in any situation at this time!

Some people thrive when Mercury is in retrograde, I guess it just depends on how we each “roll with the punches.” The key to not losing your mind and your temper during this time would be to focus.

Brightest Blessings,


The Full/Super/Equinox Moon 3-19-2011

March’s full moon is my favorite every year. I can still remember last years March full moon like it was yesterday, It was absolutely breathtaking. It’s as if March’s full moon is speaking for the Earth and telling us that spring is finally here. This year, the March full moon is extra special, falling the day before the equinox, and it is a SuperMoon. It will be the largest full moon in nearly 20 years, and could appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than a normal full moon.

A SuperMoon occurs when the full or new moon is at lease at 90% of its perigee position. There are actually 4 or 5 SuperMoon events a year, but this will be the largest moon that we have seen since 1992. If the skies are clear they will be alight with the glow of divine light this Saturday. Don’t miss out on viewing this beautiful moon as well as performing your Esbat on a night that is sure to be filled with magic.

Blessed Be,


Ostara, The Spring Equinox

Ostara, The spring equinox, is the time of year when day and night are equal in length . This Sabbat signifies action, movement, and the newness of the Earth. Ostara brings the growth of light and balance. Traditionally a time for spring cleaning and chores, Ostara is also a good time to open up to spiritual cleaning , it is a time to start over, to reflect and re-set our lives.

The Earth is renewing itself and blooming with fresh and beautiful life , and in comparison to the previous winter months is becoming much livelier. Spring is a good time to set the balance of things in our lives, renew ourselves,  and become more livelier just as the Earth does.

There are several ways to fall out of balance, weather mentally, spiritually, physically, or emotionally. Our actions, our communications, our thoughts and our bodies can become imbalanced as well. Think of something in your life that has become out of balance or something that has never been balanced that you would like to correct. Have you lost focus, have you lost your temper, are your emotions getthing the best of you? I have included below a balancing rite that you can include in your Ostara circle if you like. I hope you enjoy!

Ostara balancing candle right

You will need two white taper candles (I prefer the small 5 inch ones because they take less time to burn out) and some sea salt.

On one candle write the word balance. On the second candle write one word for something in your life that you want to bring balance to, or something that has become imbalanced. For example,I may be having a hard time getting my point across to others , so I would write communication. Or I may feel a little over emotional lately, so I would want to bring balance to my emotions. Once you have written on both candles palce them on your altar about 6 inches apart. The candle that says balance should be on the left side. In between the two candles draw an aarow, with sea salt, that points to the candle that represents your imbalanced trait. See the picture below for an example.

Light the balance candle, then move to the right and light the trait candle. Chant the following “Mother and father of all living things, unto my being your loving balance bring.”  Picture balance from the first candle flowing out and through the aarow into your imbalanced trait candle. Allow the candles to burn out on their own and dispose of the salt by burying it in the Earth.

As always, Blessed Be and a very merry Ostara,


Daily Doodle 3-9-11

Today I would like to share one of my most favorite pieces of poetry with you. It comes from Buckland’s complete book of witchcraft, and it is used in a temple space purification ritual. I could only wish to write something so beautiful some day so I hope you like it as much as I do.
“Soft is the rain, it gently falls upon the fields beneath.
It lulls the heart, it stills the mind, gives solitude I seek.
It patters down so gentle, yet it ne’er does bend a leaf.
And yet the water that is there, will wash away all grief.
For smoothness follows in the wake, and quiet, peace, and love.
All around in freshness new, come down from clouds above.
All evil go, flow out from here and leave all fresh and plain.
Let negativity not come into this room again.
For love I now find all around, so soft, so still, so pure.
I can perform my rituals as peace and quiet endure.”

Love and Light,

New Moon House Cleansing and Protection Spell


The new moon symbolizes beginnings and newness. I have a spell that I perform on the day of each new moon, it is a house cleaning and protection spell I wrote, you do not need to cast a circle for this spell, in fact, this is something that I do to prepare for my new moon esbat. 

House cleansing and protection spell:

You will need a sage smudge stick, and a green votive candle.

 Clean your house, really clean it, out with the old musty energy and in with the new clean vibes. Once your house is clean, light the green candle and take it and the smudge stick to the front door. Stand facing the door and use the flame of the candle to light the sage. Once it starts to smolder use it to “draw” a pentagram in the doorway and say; “with the wisdom of air, and the power of sage, and the strength of earth and fire to light their way, I draw here a sign of protection and love, watched over by the light of the  Lord and Lady above.” Now take the smudge stick and walk deosil (clockwise) around your home and imagine the smoke from the sage carrying away all the negativity. Draw a pentagram in all the windows and doorways. Do this anytime you feel the need to protect your home or remove negative energies.

Things to do with roses

Valentine’s day has come and gone and in a few days some of us will be staring at a bouquet of bloomed roses wondering what to do with them. Whatever you do, DO NOT throw them away! Roses are some of the most magical flowers there are. They will bring peace, attract love, mend the pain of a loss, and they have the capability to empower you.

The rose is the master herb of love, and there are many things that you can do with them other than smell them or look at them atop your desk or bedroom dresser.  Here are some things that you can do with roses.

 Placing roses on your altar will deepen your experience of divine love. I like to color coordinate flower arrangements with the purpose of my rite. You can buy a dozen roses at Wal-Mart for ten bucks when it isn’t valentine’s day, so they aren’t that expensive and there are a ton of things that you can do with them after your right. You can hang them upside down and dry them, or press them flat in a heavy book and use them for potpourri or incense or oils.

 Planting a rosebush in your yard at home will bring good fortune and abundance. There are so many types of roses, and they are all so beautiful. If you live in a home with a garden you can plant them almost anywhere in the yard. If you live in an apartment or townhouse without a yard, some varieties of roses even grow in pots and you can place them on your balcony or patio.

There are a lot of things that you can do with rose petals. Balance your emotions and increase self-confidence by adding fresh rose petals to your bath. You can attract love by placing fresh rose petals in an amulet and wearing it or carrying it with you. You can add them to spring water and allow it to steep and make fresh rose-water which tastes great and smells wonderful.

Whatever you decide to do with those left over valentine’s day roses I hope that it is a magical experience for you. If you decide not to use them for anything afterwords, please don’t just throw them away, they should at least be buried and returned to the earth from which they were grown.

 I’ve included one of my favorite rose spells for you below.

Magical Rose Wash: from ‘Wicca: A Year And A day’ by Timothy Roderick

You will need a pint of spring water, fresh rose petals and an apple.

Pour the water into a large bowl. Chop the apple and add it and the rose petals to the water and allow it to steep. The longer it has to steep the better it will be. Cleanse your face and all of your chakras and say: “Awaken beauty, hold it fast. Bind the mists, to make it last.”

Blessed be!




It is that time of year when we feel as if we have been surrounded in winter for far too long. The cold temperatures keep us indoors, and the ice and snow  seem to linger on and on forever. Something that we tend to forget about the ice and snow is that they carry some very powerful spirits who work to help the earth rest in preparation for the spring.

Imbolc is the official beginning of the end of winter. The earth begins to quicken beneath the soil and life is stirring. Soon, the first signs of spring will begin to sprout and the sun will warm us and allow the world to bloom in the beautiful colors of springtime.

Imbolc is about the awakening of the earth’s energies, and should also be about your own personal awakening. Winter allows us to grow lazy at times and forget about things that are important to us. We tend to tread gloomily along day-to-day, just doing what we need to do to get by and nothing more. Without the vitamin D and the energy from the sun, “boring” can set in before we know it.

This Imbolc think of a soul nurturing interest or desire or talent that you may have put on hold and would like to awaken. Have you left your interest in art, music, writing, etc. behind to focus on your career, school, or have you just put what you love to do on the list of “I’ll do it later”?  It is important for us to feed our souls with the things that we are good at and love to do. We cannot be complete if we repress our talents and our souls desires.

Here is something that you can include in your Imbolc rite to help with your own personal awakening.

You will need; a small piece of paper, a pen, a small flower-pot, some potting soil, and some seeds (an herb such as sage or chamomile would work well).

Write the interest or talent that you would like to awaken on the piece of paper. If you thought of more than one, that’s ok, write them all, but make sure the piece of paper is not too big. Fill the flower-pot halfway with soil. Fold the piece of paper 3 times and place into the pot, the fill the remainder of the pot with soil. Sow your plant seeds into the soil. Take care of this new magical plant, as it grows, the roots will entwine with your interest or talent and it will grow just as the plant does.  

Wishing you a very merry Imbolc and the brightest blessings,


Misty Moon












Misty Moon

In the dark of night she glows, 
all my shame my name, she knows.
In the sky so dark she’s there,
 my eyes cant help but stare.
Bouncing off the clouds her radiant light,
shines so bright it illuminates the night.
And as mist falls gently from the sky,
I lean my head back and close my eyes.
Upon my face she leaves gentle kiss,
her power and love so hard to resist.
I’ve gazed upon her time after time,
the light of the moon true and divine,
Her power and beauty amazes me,
my Friend, my Mother, my Goddess of three.

image source:Visual Thoughts

Love and light,


Bliss Coded Sound. Does it Work?

Sound meditation, does it work? Can one achieve a meditative state that is sound induced?

 I’ve just recently discovered something called bliss coded sound. I’ll have to admit the first time I heard it I did not understand it, But when I stopped and relaxed and listened I actually found it to be really interesting. There are many may different videos to watch and I have spent the majority of the evening watching and listening to them. I still havent decided exactly how I feel about it yet, although, I will admit that it makes me feel extremely balanced and centered.

I’ve posted a couple of videos below for your viewing pleasure. They are both very different. I must advise you to wear headphones, it is simply not effective if you do not. ** wear headphones **  Please let me know what you think…. sit back, relax, and enjoy!


Yule The Winter Solstice

When the sun enters the sign of Capricorn, sometime between December 19th and December 23rd, winter has officially begun. Yule, or the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and marks the re-birth of the sun. The rites of our ancestors were often aimed at “coaxing” the sun to return to end the fear of darkness and the dead season. They longed for light and life to be returned to the world.

From out of the longest and darkest night of the year comes a brilliant new-born sun. With this new light comes promise of warmer and longer days. This should remind us that light will always come from darkness, The chaos, hurt, stress, loneliness, and pain that we sometimes experience will end. Yule is about endings as well as promises for a better future. Life and energy go on eternally just as the wheel of the sun does.

The winter solstice also reminds us that in our darkest hour, there is still a ray of light, a spark. Our objective as witches is to always search for that spark within ourselves. It is important to constantly feed and nurture that spark and help it grow, to “coax” the light of the spark to overcome the darkness within ourselves.

I have included below an idea for your Yule Ritual. Feel free to use it if you like. Happy Solstice friends!

Banishing darkness candle rite:

You will need a white or yellow votive candle and votive holder.

Sit in a meditative position and close your eyes. Imagine that you are gazing upon the vast night sky. You can see the stars and the moon, but focus your energy on the big emptiness of space. Now allow your mind to think of a negative or destructive situation in your life. Take the time to completely feel all of the emotions associated with this. When you arrive at the peak of your emotions, begin to breathe deeply. Imagine that with each exhalation, you expel the darkness and negativity up into the vastness of space and out of you completely. Continue this until you are completely drained of all negative feelings.

Once you are drained of all negativity begin to breathe normally and relax . Sense the emptiness inside. Take the time to really feel the spacious void  that now exists within you. Now open your eyes and light the candle. Focus all of your attention on the flame and imagine the warm light filling up the empty space inside of you. The light becomes larger and fills not only the void, but your entire being re-igniting the spark within. Allow this light to heal you completly and to re-allign your consciousness. Allow the candle to burn out on its own or pinch off the flame and use it any time you face darkness or destructive situiations.

Love and Light,


Exploring The Tarot: Ten of Swords

The Tarot from my perspective, without books or guidelines.

Wow! This guy did not just get stabbed in the back, but he got stabbed in the back 10 times! I mean he did not just get killed, but took the hand of death times 10. Could it get any worse?

This card signifies that though things seem at their very worst, there is hope with the dawn, things can only get better.

 This card could show a lot of different situations, you could be the target of someones hatred, or slander, maybe you have been betrayed. Perhaps you have come to and end of a relationship or career,or a financial situation, but whatever expierence and however painful it is, we need to remember that tomorrow is another day and there is always hope. It could not get worse than being stabbed in the back 10 times! Though this is very difficult and hard to bear, happiness lies just around the corner. So get up, walk on, and don’t give up.

It seems very appropriate that I drew this card as Yule, the winter solstice, is just around the corner. Now we face the darkest and coldest days of winter, but we know that the sun will soon return and bring with it the happiness and warmth of spring.

Blessed Be,


Dark Fear


Darkness lies before me

Down the steps to my inner self.

Each step a hurdle, each hurdle a challenge

Each challenge an accomplishment, each accomplishment a new power.

But with each step my path grows darker

And soon it is so dark I cannot see the steps I’m about to take.

Fear freezes me

I cannot move forward.

The fear wants me to go back-I cannot trust the darkness.

I look back into the light and see all my accomplishments

They rest on the steps of my past,

My trophies.

Should I face my fear and travel into the dark unknown?

The dark can be painful and lonely

But what lies past the darkness?

I close my eyes

I breathe.

A feeling of peace encompasses my being, as I accept the truth

I need to face the darkness, step into it, and conquer

No matter the pain

No matter the fear,

I am bigger than this, I will overcome.

I shout down the dark steps as my foot moves forward.

“I am no longer a slave to the dark”

“I will face the dark unknown.” I throw the words out, letting go.

I watch as my words float around me

Like orbs of light powered by courage

Illuminating the darkness.

I can move forward closer to the end.

A new power gained.

( image source:

My New Altar Pentacle

The soap stone pentacle I had for my altar broke and I finally had enough free time to make a new one. I just used a woodburner and some pecan colored stain. I just thought I would share it with you.

The Caterpillar


There once lived a caterpillar. He was very popular and beautiful. He was raised by a well-rounded family and taught to have good values and ideas and he had a solid set of principles and beliefs. He grew up to be a very wonderful caterpillar. As an adult he found himself to be very happy and content. He worked hard and he enjoyed all the benefits he had for all the hard work he did. He had a great family and a great group of friends. The caterpillar knew exactly who he was,what he wanted, and what he had to do to achieve his goals. His life was everything he could have ever hoped for, he was very happy and content.

One day, just as he thought that life could not get any better, the caterpillar was introduced to a new idea. The more he researched and studied this idea, the more he came to realize that he believed in this idea, and the more he accepted and embraced the idea, the more enlightened he became. Now he was not only happy with his life on the outside, but he was fulfilled on the inside as well.

Now the caterpillars eyes were open wide, and he began to see a whole new world. Things he saw were not the same, things he heard and did were not the same, and even things that he once loved so deeply were no longer the same. His world, the world that he was so happy and content in was completely different, and he lost a lot of things including some of the people that he loved. But he willingly gave it all up for this idea because to him this truth was the most important thing, and the truth, truly did set him free. But, somewhere in all the chaos of his life changing, he lost his enlightenment because he lost who he was.

The caterpillar, now alone, and with a lot less that what he used to have, lost himself and forgot the truth, he became sad and disoriented and un-enlightened. He searched and searched for that spark he once had, he looked everywhere, he read every book he could, he took every opinion from every person he could, but no matter his attempts, he could not find his happiness. He was lost, and so tired so he built himself a cocoon and climbed in to spend some time soul-searching and thinking to himself, and a great transformation took place when he became comfortable with who he was….


The Wiccan path can be a troubling path. It can be hard, and lonely, and tiring. It is test after test after test, and sometimes almost tedious. When you decide to embrace something that is not so easily accepted by those around you it can turn your life upside down if you let it. Just because you believe in something more passionately than you have ever believed in anything doesn’t mean that those you love will accept it. The important thing to remember is that the truth is what is important. The false ideas, the unreal relationships, and the materialistic things don’t matter, they will come and go no matter what path you choose. Don’t lose yourself in the chaos, but if you do, it is ok to take the time to re-connect to yourself. You need to re-connect to yourself if you want to emerge from your cocoon a more beautiful and better evolved being. Give yourself the chance to grow the wings that will set you free.

Blessed be,


Sacred Space

First of all, I want you to think of what the word “sacred” means. Don’t go look it up in a dictionary, think of what it means to you. Is sacred safe? Is it something divine? Is it treasured and secret? Can you share it? If something is sacred to you, what does that mean?

Every witch needs a sacred space, whether it be permanent or temporary. Wherever it is that you choose to practice the craft, that space needs to be sacred to you. You need to feel safe and secure and you need to have trust and feel very comfortable in your space. After all, the energy that you are letting out of yourself is the energy that is going to go into your spells and worship. If you are constantly looking over your shoulder worried that someone will see you or that the boogey man will get you, then chances are your efforts in that circle will fail.

If you are like a lot of other solitary witches then most likely your sacred space is somewhere in your home. Maybe you have a permanent altar set up or maybe you have to set one up each time you cast a circle. Either is acceptable, but when you do cast your circle, make sure it is in an area that you feel safe, secure, at peace and are undistracted. Make it sacred to you somehow.

Since my sacred space is right in the center of my living room, something I do to keep the space sacred to me is a monthly “temple space” purification ritual. I do this on the new moon. It is nothing fancy, it just helps me keep the place clean, free of negativity, and happy. That way, when I am in a circle, my rites get 100% of my attention 100% of the time. 

If you do get the chance to practice outdoors, lucky you! There are tons of places outside that are sacred to me, unfortunately, they are all usually surrounded by onlookers and are not 100% safe, so I reserve the outside spaces for meditation or just plain old quiet time. If this applies to you, then you can do what I do and just create a small salt circle around where you will be sitting, this will keep you protected and allow you to focus more on the craft and less on over-the-shoulder-looking.

Just remember, wherever you decide to practice the craft needs to be a happy, clean, safe, and private environment. The more free you feel in your sacred space, the closer you will be to the divine, and the more powerful your magic and worship will be.

Love and light,


A Truely Happy New Year

I hope that everyone had a very magical Samhain! Mine was busy, away from home, and in un-familiar territory, but it was the most spiritual and powerful ritual and weekend that I have ever had. It is something that I will never forget and in a few ways, is too personal to go into a lot of detail. I was able to focus a lot on me, and was able to come to a few realizations and let go of a few things that were holding me back. Never have I experienced so much clarity and realization.

The air was thick with power Sunday evening, so much so that I remember feeling strange and I did not realize that what I was feeling was energy from Samhain rituals and witches and spirits of ancestors from around the world. Looking back on that puts the world into a different perspective for me and I realized through the almost tangible power, who I need to be and what I need to do to be that person. It was absolutely amazing to feel the connection to the all.

It amazes me to look back at all the previous new years resolutions I’ve made and know that not one of them have ever manifested. This new year (my first witches new year) is already noticeably different. Weather it is by my own personal power, or by the power and help of my ancestors, I can already notice a change in me. I only hope the same for all of you. Weather you need to change something so big that it will change your life forever, or something so small that it will go un-noticed, I honestly hope that it works for you. I wish you all the best for the next turn of the wheel. I feel that this is our year, may it be the best one yet!

With the brightest blessings,


Exploring the Tarot: Nine of wands

The tarot from my perspective, without books or guidelines.

The Nine of Wands represents struggle, isolation, and caution. This card shows a battle that was won and the character is ready for more.

This could represent a personal battle that was overcome, but you were wounded in that battle so you may have tendency to put up defenses. Wands represent intuition, so it would be good to pay attention to this caution, even though the hardship is finally over, you still expect more and are prepared, just don’t shut yourself out.

A friend pointed out to me that this card could represent a situation in my life. That because of the things that go on in my neighborhood, entrenchment and vigilance would be acceptable.

Something else that this card shows is that maybe you are finding it hard to fully accept your achievements, or yourself. Dont let one wound shelter you from a world of good possibilities.

Blessed be,
