Info and enlightenment for the everyday witch

Stuff to live by

The Caterpillar


There once lived a caterpillar. He was very popular and beautiful. He was raised by a well-rounded family and taught to have good values and ideas and he had a solid set of principles and beliefs. He grew up to be a very wonderful caterpillar. As an adult he found himself to be very happy and content. He worked hard and he enjoyed all the benefits he had for all the hard work he did. He had a great family and a great group of friends. The caterpillar knew exactly who he was,what he wanted, and what he had to do to achieve his goals. His life was everything he could have ever hoped for, he was very happy and content.

One day, just as he thought that life could not get any better, the caterpillar was introduced to a new idea. The more he researched and studied this idea, the more he came to realize that he believed in this idea, and the more he accepted and embraced the idea, the more enlightened he became. Now he was not only happy with his life on the outside, but he was fulfilled on the inside as well.

Now the caterpillars eyes were open wide, and he began to see a whole new world. Things he saw were not the same, things he heard and did were not the same, and even things that he once loved so deeply were no longer the same. His world, the world that he was so happy and content in was completely different, and he lost a lot of things including some of the people that he loved. But he willingly gave it all up for this idea because to him this truth was the most important thing, and the truth, truly did set him free. But, somewhere in all the chaos of his life changing, he lost his enlightenment because he lost who he was.

The caterpillar, now alone, and with a lot less that what he used to have, lost himself and forgot the truth, he became sad and disoriented and un-enlightened. He searched and searched for that spark he once had, he looked everywhere, he read every book he could, he took every opinion from every person he could, but no matter his attempts, he could not find his happiness. He was lost, and so tired so he built himself a cocoon and climbed in to spend some time soul-searching and thinking to himself, and a great transformation took place when he became comfortable with who he was….


The Wiccan path can be a troubling path. It can be hard, and lonely, and tiring. It is test after test after test, and sometimes almost tedious. When you decide to embrace something that is not so easily accepted by those around you it can turn your life upside down if you let it. Just because you believe in something more passionately than you have ever believed in anything doesn’t mean that those you love will accept it. The important thing to remember is that the truth is what is important. The false ideas, the unreal relationships, and the materialistic things don’t matter, they will come and go no matter what path you choose. Don’t lose yourself in the chaos, but if you do, it is ok to take the time to re-connect to yourself. You need to re-connect to yourself if you want to emerge from your cocoon a more beautiful and better evolved being. Give yourself the chance to grow the wings that will set you free.

Blessed be,


The Divine Within

There is something absolutely amazing about spiritual enlightenment. When you find it you get a sense of all-encompassing peace, fulfillment, and true love. Nothing in this world can compare to the feeling you get when you truly know divine light, its like you get a jolt of electricity that awakens your entire being and makes you wonder what you have been doing the rest of your life to not have known this truth. Its powerful enough to move mountains, to determine futures, and will change your life forever. As long as you hold onto it, spiritual enlightenment can be the driving force in everything you do, and nothing is impossible.

The divine lies inside of us all. It is the spark that gives us life and meaning. The part of us so deep inside that takes work to awaken, that you have to prove yourself to know. It is so visible and it is so tangible, and once you find it you will have everything that you need. But you can lose it, you can get so wrapped up in the chaos of the mundane life that the goddess/god within will slip away and nestle back into the depths of your soul.

Unlocking the inner self, the self that is suppressed by the mundane need to be liked, loved, and understood by those around us is the key to knowing spiritual enlightenment. What is more important, being the person that everyone else wants you to be, or being the person that you want to be? Knowing who you are and being who you are, are two of the most important lessons a person can ever learn on a spiritual path.

Its time for us all to say goodbye to that needy mundane person that rules our lives and be the person that lies within. Connect to that inner divine spark and be true to yourself. Dont learn this lesson the hard way. Winter is around the corner, the harvest is almost done and the earth will soon come to a calm restful period. Take this time to meditate and get in touch with who you are. Make changes where they are needed, and remember that no others love can be as powerful as your own. 

“The Goddess Within”

She fills my soul with love and light,

I keep her name locked inside me ever so tight.

She is what I reach for when the day goes bad,

Because I know that she is all I have ever really had.

I give her thanks when the day goes well,

The smile on my face is a sign of her spell.

I always want to feel that her presence is near,

The strength that she gives me erases all of my fear.

I’ll make sure to live everyday with the warmth of her glow,

I will strive to be like her and everyone will know.

It is important that I remember that we are the same,

The Goddess within me, LOVE is her name.

love and prosperity to you all,


Living A Magical Life

We all do magic in a circle, we  cast spells, plan rituals, and summon the elements. What about the “normal” everyday times when we aren’t able to cast a circle or perform a spell? Do we walk around pretending not to be witches? Do we blend in with everyone else because we fear their reaction to who we are? Sure we do. Even those of us who have made our beliefs known don’t share 100% of who we are and what we do. This can cause us to live a more mundane life than a magical one.

So what do we do about this? We can’t walk around with a bag of herbs, incense, and candles casting spells in public for health, or success, or anything for that matter. We can’t walk around at work with our athames summoning the elements and deity, and I doubt that our friends would tolerate us for very long if we were constantly in a meditative state or a trance. So, how can we live a magical life everyday without actually “doing” magic?

Some things that you can do to live a magical life include:

1. Take a walk outside. It is important to connect with nature, you should take time to feel it, connect with it, and become one with it.

2.Take care of the earth. Volunteer, recycle, pick up the small pieces of trash when you are at the park, Don’t litter, or plant a tree. Every little thing makes a difference. Our earth is our home. We must take care of it.

3. Read, study, learn, and grow. It is important that you know the craft, and the principles of Wicca if you want to be a magical person. Be the best and most knowledgable witch that you can be, always.

4. Be true to yourself. Know who you are, be genuine. You are the most important and valuable magical tool that you will ever posess. Take care of yourself.

5. And most importantly, Remember and live by the rede. “An it harm none, do what thou wilt.”

Remember, magic is not only about what we do. To me, the most powerful magic of all lies in knowing the divine. I mean truly knowing, not pretending to. There is more magic in feeling the presence of the Lord and Lady in the air around me or in the face of the moon on a bad day than I could ever put into a spell or ritual. The core of magic lies inside of us, the part of us that the mundane don’t see, the part that we work so hard to connect to, yet we are constantly suppressing. Living a magical life means becoming more in tune with the divine all around us, in everything, achieving a constant state of enlightenment.

Love and Light,


The 13 goals of a Witch


The 13 goals of a Witch:

1. Know yourself

2. Know your craft

3. Learn

4. Apply knowledge with wisdom

5. Achieve balance

6. Keep your words in good order

7. Keep your thoughts in good order

8. Celebrate life

9. Attune with the cycles of the earth

10. Breathe and eat correctly

11. Exercise the body

12. Meditate

13. Honor the Lord and Lady