Info and enlightenment for the everyday witch

Things to do with roses

Valentine’s day has come and gone and in a few days some of us will be staring at a bouquet of bloomed roses wondering what to do with them. Whatever you do, DO NOT throw them away! Roses are some of the most magical flowers there are. They will bring peace, attract love, mend the pain of a loss, and they have the capability to empower you.

The rose is the master herb of love, and there are many things that you can do with them other than smell them or look at them atop your desk or bedroom dresser.  Here are some things that you can do with roses.

 Placing roses on your altar will deepen your experience of divine love. I like to color coordinate flower arrangements with the purpose of my rite. You can buy a dozen roses at Wal-Mart for ten bucks when it isn’t valentine’s day, so they aren’t that expensive and there are a ton of things that you can do with them after your right. You can hang them upside down and dry them, or press them flat in a heavy book and use them for potpourri or incense or oils.

 Planting a rosebush in your yard at home will bring good fortune and abundance. There are so many types of roses, and they are all so beautiful. If you live in a home with a garden you can plant them almost anywhere in the yard. If you live in an apartment or townhouse without a yard, some varieties of roses even grow in pots and you can place them on your balcony or patio.

There are a lot of things that you can do with rose petals. Balance your emotions and increase self-confidence by adding fresh rose petals to your bath. You can attract love by placing fresh rose petals in an amulet and wearing it or carrying it with you. You can add them to spring water and allow it to steep and make fresh rose-water which tastes great and smells wonderful.

Whatever you decide to do with those left over valentine’s day roses I hope that it is a magical experience for you. If you decide not to use them for anything afterwords, please don’t just throw them away, they should at least be buried and returned to the earth from which they were grown.

 I’ve included one of my favorite rose spells for you below.

Magical Rose Wash: from ‘Wicca: A Year And A day’ by Timothy Roderick

You will need a pint of spring water, fresh rose petals and an apple.

Pour the water into a large bowl. Chop the apple and add it and the rose petals to the water and allow it to steep. The longer it has to steep the better it will be. Cleanse your face and all of your chakras and say: “Awaken beauty, hold it fast. Bind the mists, to make it last.”

Blessed be!


2 responses

  1. "7"

    That was a wonderful post I would like to add to that at the request of our beloved author Meg the Rose which is the most sacred of all flowers to the Goddess Venus also known as Ishtar comes to the symbolize the female genitalia “fertility” the 5 petals symbolize the 5 sacred stages of womanhood Birth, Menstration, Motherhood, Menopause and Death they also symbolize the 5 points of the pentagram every 8 years the planet Venus motions a pentacle in the ecliptic sky Venus the planet and Venus the Goddess are one in the same Happy Valentines Day my friends Blessed Be to you all sincerely “7”

    February 16, 2011 at 3:59 am

    • Thank you 7! I’ve always liked that. Blessed Be.

      February 16, 2011 at 4:03 am

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